Mindfuck Findom

Cruel findoms fucking your mind

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Princess Isabella could tell that something was about to happen and was being planned under secrecy but she could not put her finger on it. She had to know since she did not want to be caught flatfooted. That is why she had to use her mind fuck findom to get to know it. The mistress mind fucked her colleague and she got all the info before she acted accordingly.

Mistress Nyx needed answers and she did not rest until she got what she wanted. The mistress made sure that she controlled this guy and she forced him to do what she wanted as well as to give her the answers that she sought. The mistress found it easy to get what she wanted because she was able to mind fuck him and gain control over him in the process.

Goddess Nika could not believe that her slave was as lazy as she had come to find out he was. He did not even bother to hide it or even pretend to be hardworking. It got to a point she could not stand it and she had to punish him. This she did with mind fuck findom in mind. The mistress chose to mind fuck him and make him change but she also took advantage of that to make herself a little richer from his money.

Lady Cary wanted a job so badly that she was willing to do anything to get it. She had been on countless interviews and she had made a lot of applications but she did not get the response she wanted. So she got pissed and came up with a different way to do it. She used her mind fucking prowess to get the boss of the firm she wanted to work at to employ her.

Lady Aische is used to a fun filled life. But today she did not have any of that and instead, she had to settle for something different. To avoid boredom, the mistress chose to use her mind fucking femdom to get this guy to fall for her and then left him high and dry. She showed him her big tits as well as her hot ass and he loved what he saw and that is how he took the bait.

Goddess Yasemin knows that for her to continue thriving in the world of mind fuck findom, she has to continually innovate and try new things. That is why she dressed up sexily today and she tried a new mind fuck findom style on this guy. He was her guinea pig as she knew that if it worked on him, it would work on anyone else she wanted to mind fuck.

Goddess Nika wanted to control her man and she knew she could easily do it using mind fuck findom. That is why she chose to use it. She had to make sure she was good at it that is why she trained as hard as she could to make sure she had all the right skills. And the mistress was able to get what she wanted which was to control her man.

This guy was too cagey for goddess Nika and she used her mind fuck femdom to deal with him. She did it so that she would be able to get answers from him and she was able to get them as she controlled him and was able to get him to do whatever she wanted. Through that, she was able to find out why he was being cagey with her.

This guy tried to hit on mistress Reell and he found her at a time she was bored. So she did not have anything better to do and she chose to mess with him for fun and out of boredom. She used her mind fuck findom to dominate him and to even make money out of him. He thought he was hitting on her but he was turned into a human atm.

Mistress Nyx wanted this guy to be under her influence and so she had to use any means necessary to get that control over him. So she used her mind fuck findom fetish to do it. It was easy to get control over him because she used her hot body to do it and when he saw it, he was turned on making it easier for her to execute her plan.

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